Monday, June 27, 2011

bank of america pavilion

images Bank of America Pavilion bank of america pavilion. Bank of America Pavilion
  • Bank of America Pavilion

  • mia
    08-23 04:59 PM
    IV Core - any thoughts on if we should bring this up in DC rally?

    Diversity Lottery ends in FY08. As a baby step, to offset this why dont we ask these numbers - 50,000 to be added to EB visa quota?
    I'm sure most senators will be agreeable to this - getting 50K immigrants with skills(in the future) vs 50K immigrants only

    Where did you hear that DV is ending in 2008? See the newest They say DV 2009 starts in October.

    wallpaper Bank of America Pavilion bank of america pavilion. The Bank of America Pavilion
  • The Bank of America Pavilion

  • hibworker
    11-24 06:26 PM
    Yes he is in 'Adjustee Status' also a person can start working as soon as new employer files H1 petition on his/her behalf. So if the petition was filed on time and took 40 days to be approved your friend was in H1 status since the day the petition was received by USCIS

    bank of america pavilion. 2008-08-02 Bank of America
  • 2008-08-02 Bank of America

  • sameern
    07-12 03:38 PM
    Hello all, with the August bulletin showing June 06 cut-off dates, I have the following questions for which I seek input form IV members.

    1. Is it possible to apply for the GC, the second time, if one cancels his GC "without prejudice"?
    2. If yes, is it possible to use the priority date of the canceled GC in the second GC application?
    3. What are the points one should be aware in canceling GC "without prejudice"?

    Thanks for your time in providing your inputs.

    2011 The Bank of America Pavilion bank of america pavilion. 2008-08-02 Bank of America
  • 2008-08-02 Bank of America

  • kirupa
    02-14 04:48 AM
    Program is the name of your main application's class itself. What I am doing is creating an instance of my application and using the two methods that live inside that class.



    bank of america pavilion. The Script Bank Of America
  • The Script Bank Of America

  • bond65
    05-24 01:47 PM


    bank of america pavilion. Bank+of+america+pavilion+
  • Bank+of+america+pavilion+

  • rkp27
    11-01 11:55 AM
    I got my gc.. this was happned with my friend.... :rolleyes:


    bank of america pavilion. Concessions-with-8500---SAM-
  • Concessions-with-8500---SAM-

  • Macaca
    11-16 08:35 AM
    Pelosi: War, Immigration Hurt Public Approval of Congress ( Speaker Says Clinton Can 'Hold Her Own' By David S. Broder and Chris Cillizza | Washington Post Staff Writers, November 15, 2007

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today blamed Congress' failure to bring an end to the war in Iraq and deal effectively with the reform of immigration laws as the primary causes of the institution's near-record low approval ratings.

    In an interview at the U.S. Capitol, Pelosi said the Democratic takeover of Congress had raised expectations on action to end the conflict in Iraq, and that the Senate's initial willingness to tackle immigration reform followed by its failure to do so left the American public disappointed in Congress.

    The House on Wednesday night passed spending legislation that sought to tie funding for the Iraq war to hard deadlines for beginning troop withdrawals, a proposal that has little hope of passage in the Senate.

    "People thought it was a problem that could be solved and when it didn't happen I think it was a big disappointment," she said. "Usually those low numbers relate to expectations and there were high expectations" on both Iraq and immigration.

    Pelosi made her comments in an interview for's "PostTalk" program (, just hours before seven of her party's presidential candidates are scheduled to gather in Las Vegas for a televised debate.

    Pelosi said that the heavy wave of criticism directed at Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) in recent days stemmed from her status as the frontrunner, not as the lone woman in the race. "I believe that any 'picking on' ... [of] Senator Clinton has to do with her being a frontrunner," she said. "Frontrunners always have to undergo that."

    Pelosi, who had a chance to closely evaluate six of the candidates at last weekend's Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Iowa (, said that she saw up close that night that Clinton can "hold her own."

    Discussing her own rise to the speakership, Pelosi said she did little to emphasize her gender in lining support within the caucus. "The last thing I could have said to any of my colleagues would have been: 'Vote for me because we need a woman in the leadership.'"

    On Wednesday night, the House narrowly passed a measure -- 218 to 203 -- that would tie funding for the Iraq war to a specific redeployment plan for the troops in the country.

    Pelosi cast the Bush administration's plan to draw down 30,000 American troops from the country as "inadequate," arguing that such a proposal would leave more soldiers in Iraq next year than were there in November 2006.

    Citing a story in Thursday's Washington Post (, Pelosi said that leading U.S. generals have concluded that the stubbornness of the Shiite government in Iraq is causing more problems than al Qaeda or other insurgent groups. "The government is not taking political steps," said Pelosi.

    While Pelosi said she hoped the House action would help move the debate forward, she acknowledged that Senate action on the bill was unlikely.

    Pelosi sounded a conciliatory note on the current spending showdown with the White House but repeatedly referenced the President's much larger requests for Iraq funding when discussing Democratic priorities like children's health insurance and medical research.

    She did, however, express confidence that a deal would be reached with the president on the remaining appropriations bills -- dismissing the possibility of a repeat of the 1995-1996 government shutdown that left House Republicans deflated and President Clinton triumphant.

    While admitting that she must do a better job at ensuring the American people are aware of what the Democratic-led House has accomplished in its first 10 months, she expressed confidence that her party's brand was still strong.

    She repeatedly cited polling that showed Democrats with a double-digit leads over their Republican counterparts in both specific battleground congressional districts as well as nationally.

    2010 2008-08-02 Bank of America bank of america pavilion. Bank of America Pavilion
  • Bank of America Pavilion

  • div_bell_2003
    07-07 06:40 PM
    You are only counted against the quota once for a 6 year period , so I believe, she won't come under the quota , although it's getting harder to get H1B extensions every day


    bank of america pavilion. Bank of America Pavilion
  • Bank of America Pavilion

  • h1-b forever
    09-14 08:53 AM
    includes all

    hair 2008-08-02 Bank of America bank of america pavilion. Bank of America Pavilion
  • Bank of America Pavilion

  • Blog Feeds
    01-21 08:30 AM
    From the Immigration Policy Center: Supreme Court Protects Immigrants' Access to Court Review January 20, 2010 Washington D.C. - The American Immigration Council applauds today's U.S. Supreme Court decision ensuring that immigrants facing deportation have fair process in the review of their cases. The Court ruled that individuals who seek to reopen their deportation orders have the right to appeal to the federal courts if the immigration court refuses to hear the appeal. The Court's decision protects immigrants' access to federal court review and affirms the role of the courts in our system of checks and balances on government power....

    More... (


    bank of america pavilion. Bank Of America Pavilion
  • Bank Of America Pavilion

  • solaris27
    05-27 09:22 AM

    My Wife was working as sole proprietor and she is planning to open Single Person LLC.

    She is also planning to start her second business.

    1) Can she do multiple businesses in ONE LLC?

    2) Will she file multiple Schedule C for EACH business ( If you have one person LLC you can file taxes in Schedule C) ?

    3) Does she has to apply for new Federal ID or she can use same she was using in Schedule C for this new LLC also?


    hot The Script Bank Of America bank of america pavilion. Photo by Lance McGrath at Bank of America Pavilion
  • Photo by Lance McGrath at Bank of America Pavilion

  • frostrated
    10-01 11:46 PM
    H1 and GC are two different processes. Rejection of H1 does not impact GC.


    house Bank+of+america+pavillion+ bank of america pavilion. Photo by Niklas Wolkert at Bank of America Pavilion
  • Photo by Niklas Wolkert at Bank of America Pavilion

  • black_logs
    01-30 10:16 PM
    I am recalling TX from the States Calling List(AZ/TX/CO/WA). Lot of People from AZ/CO/WA signed up allready. I don't want a mess in the conference, rather I would like everyone to be able to speak. We'll do Texas/Tennessee conference on Thursday 10PM EST (02/02/2006)

    tattoo Bank+of+america+pavilion+ bank of america pavilion. T Squad Live at Bank Of America Pavilion Tickets
  • T Squad Live at Bank Of America Pavilion Tickets

  • adnan_vijay
    04-28 08:32 PM

    my priority date is current.

    all documents/info mailed to NVC

    NVC got my documents for 1 month

    I am considering to email the NVC to check on the status of my case.

    Should I email the NVC to check now (after waiting for 1 month) or wait another month (hence I would have waited 2 months) to check with the NVC on my status?


    How many here are in the same case as me? F2B?

    After you mailed all documents/info to the NVC, how long did you waited before the NVC reply?



    pictures Concessions-with-8500---SAM- bank of america pavilion. Bank+of+america+pavillion+
  • Bank+of+america+pavillion+

  • good idea
    12-23 04:22 PM
    Comprehensive Immigration Reform introduced in Congress - "recapture" of previously unused visa numbers (

    Meissner pointed out that CIR ASAP would attempt recapture unused visas from the past and apply them to reducing the visa backlog. Recapturing unused visas from 1992 as the bill proposes, could yield more than 100,000 visas, Meissner estimated. (

    dresses Photo by Lance McGrath at Bank of America Pavilion bank of america pavilion. Bank of America Pavilion
  • Bank of America Pavilion

  • Mike K.T
    08-12 04:58 PM
    :lol: fun fun


    makeup Bank of America Pavilion bank of america pavilion. Bank+of+america+pavillion+
  • Bank+of+america+pavillion+

  • srinivasj
    07-07 01:38 PM
    Yes, you need to get the difference in fees. HDFC knows about this and will issue a new colored fee slip.

    Thanks they issue a new receipt number too..? or can I still use my old one just in case if dates open up...?

    girlfriend T Squad Live at Bank Of America Pavilion Tickets bank of america pavilion. Bank of America Pavilion
  • Bank of America Pavilion

  • krn2010
    02-23 11:17 AM
    I am currently on H1B with a temp status (B1) and in-between jobs. My partner is in the process of becoming a US citizen. He has had his Green Card for years and obtained it through his ex-spouse's job while they were still married. He has been divorced for about a year now and started the citizenship application process a couple of months ago. We are thinking of getting married after he gets his citizenship. My question is: does it matter if we get married before or after he obtains his citizenship? We heard rumors that a previous marriage might be a factor in whether I will be able to obtain a Green Card. Thank you very much in advance for your help!

    hairstyles Bank Of America Pavilion bank of america pavilion. Bank of America Pavilion
  • Bank of America Pavilion

  • The7zen
    12-08 02:46 PM
    does it cause any problem when i reentry? NO

    Does immigration give new I94 when we enter with AP? YES

    if you do a quick search here on the forum you will find more information regarding your questions. Good luck.


    01-19 03:48 PM
    GC is for future job, is your PERM was not suspended, you can continue with the same application.

    If you're on H1-B - YES - a transfer is required to work for company A becuase you resigned and left and technically company B owns your H1-B.

    12-15 04:55 PM
    All- Before you start giving me RED's, I have posted this under "Interesting topic" thread. So cut me some slack.

    Hats off to this awesome bhai from India (Gujarati but Indian first), you can see his love for his country as well. He will go long ways, so young and brilliant.

    Check this out:
    Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of 'SixthSense' technology-TV-Economic Times (

    Highlight on future world, tech and all....Pranav mentioned that he was going to share work with all (open source) and give out his code so people can come out with their own "sixth sense" .

    More on Pranav: (checkout his impressive CV)
    Pranav Mistry (

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