Saturday, June 25, 2011

fotos de shakira y gerard pique

images shakira y pique. shakira y fotos de shakira y gerard pique. Gerard Piqué afirma estar muy
  • Gerard Piqué afirma estar muy

  • eager_immi
    07-18 04:22 PM
    I love the idea of monthly subscription website what does the core think. This works just like AILA does.

    I know many of friends who use IV as recourse for NEWS but they don't register nor contribute. Even after multiple reminders and sarcastic comments they don't. I feel pity for them, they don't understand by registering and contributing they help them self and others. Shouldn�t we make IV a monthly subscription web site? That way we will have only serious members.

    wallpaper Gerard Piqué afirma estar muy fotos de shakira y gerard pique. shakira y pique fotos. de
  • shakira y pique fotos. de

  • ind_game
    05-13 11:58 PM
    This is strange, They are saying your I 140 get denied on the date it was approved...
    What was the result of second MTR, Is that dismissed too...

    No man.........I am waiting for the outcome.......In fact to be frank I am bracing myself for Writ of Mandamus Lawsuit.....frustration....

    fotos de shakira y gerard pique. ESPECIALES: Shakira y Gerard
  • ESPECIALES: Shakira y Gerard

  • saileshdude
    09-10 10:33 AM
    Yes. By Law and by the Book. But I just saw in my friend circle. Most of them were US Masters.

    I don't what how you define "most" but I am EB2 with US masters with PD 2006 and I am still waiting. Many of my friends with US masters are still waiting.

    2011 shakira y pique fotos. de fotos de shakira y gerard pique. de Shakira y Gerard Piqué
  • de Shakira y Gerard Piqué

  • m306m
    05-27 08:28 AM
    ^ to the top ^


    fotos de shakira y gerard pique. de shakira y gerard pique.
  • de shakira y gerard pique.

  • satishku_2000
    01-02 08:04 PM
    For me its about the higher prize...thats citizenship...

    I want to be here for good unless asked to leave. But at times it frustrates me to think that I will be well over age of 40 when I get my green card (Assuming that nothing will happen to alleviate the retrogression issue)...

    And I keep asking myself whether its worth the wait (Waiting for 10 or 15 years and working for same employer and same position) ... I think its a valid question.

    fotos de shakira y gerard pique. shakira y pique en blanes. la
  • shakira y pique en blanes. la

  • coopheal
    08-13 03:55 PM
    IV Core any ideas. Will this work.

    some 50-100 EB3 I applicants should go to DC and meet high officials, CHC folks and every department that is influential to EB immigrant VISA and make them understand our plight. No guarantee that this would work. But, we will get a first hand response that may help atleast help us to chose from one of 3 options listed above.


    fotos de shakira y gerard pique. Gerard Piqué, novio de Shakira
  • Gerard Piqué, novio de Shakira

  • bharol
    08-16 10:24 PM
    Looking at the recent approvals looks like USCIS does the following:

    1. Pick up x number of files using a random algorithm.
    2. Arrange these files in a random order using the same random algorithm
    followed in step 1.
    3. Randomly pick any file arranged in step 2.
    4. Toss a coin.
    5. On odd dates if it is heads,approve the file. On even dates if it is tails
    approve it.
    6. If file is not approved in step 5 put it on the shelf to be picked up
    in step 1 in next cycle.

    2010 ESPECIALES: Shakira y Gerard fotos de shakira y gerard pique. shakira y pique. shakira y
  • shakira y pique. shakira y

  • AMKumar
    07-20 09:57 AM
    Them democrats, they will never help us. Because as per them "we are stealing jobs". We should really start something like the flower campaign to expose all these double talkers. I mean go and see the youtube video by Hillary about how she likes legal immigrants and all that BS. Now contrast that with her "Ney" vote for an amendment which would have helped the legal immigrant community to a great extent. With the momentum that we have currently with media, we should really start exposing these people for who they are, a bunch of hypocrites!.


    fotos de shakira y gerard pique. shakira y pique. shakira y
  • shakira y pique. shakira y

  • go_guy123
    11-06 07:23 AM
    Good points chisinau

    Actually nurses have the H1c visa, but there are only 500 a year and only 14 hospitals in the whole country can apply for these visas. These visas last 3 years and after that the nurse has to leave the country. Not that employers don't want to apply for visas, it is just that many nursing positions DO NOT qualify for H1B! So the only viable option is the GC

    Will the July visa bulletin help you in anyway?

    This is the main reason why employers lobby for GC for nurses. It the
    availability of H1B that kills the chances of EB reform for IT people.
    Why lobby for EB reform (i mean do some lip service for EB reform while asking for H1B increase) when H1B is always available and more better from the point of view of employer.

    hair de Shakira y Gerard Piqué fotos de shakira y gerard pique. fotos de shakira y gerard pique. y am Shakira+y+pique+
  • fotos de shakira y gerard pique. y am Shakira+y+pique+

  • ss1026
    05-31 02:10 PM
    Did get solved by Andrew Wiles in in the mid-nineties. To read about the history and drama behind this theorem, I suggest reading 'Fermat's Enigma' by Simon Singh. So I guess if that can be solved, PBEC could find a way out for all of us.


    fotos de shakira y gerard pique. 2011 Shakira Gerard Pique
  • 2011 Shakira Gerard Pique

  • vine93
    08-26 12:27 AM
    ICICI is best if you have short term trip and wants to finish paper work quick. Even you can do it while sitting here , Only thing you need to send a Power of attorney from here through Embassy.

    If you have long term trip and somebody known within SBI/LIC. Then their terms and conditions are too good. No Pre-payment Penalty.

    There are less paper work involved if you buy it from Builder or First sale. You should be careful while buying second sale or most of the people ask Black money first , even before starting the bank paper work.

    Good Luck !

    hot de shakira y gerard pique. fotos de shakira y gerard pique. shakira y pique. shakira y
  • shakira y pique. shakira y

  • legalVoice
    05-03 09:56 AM
    Maybe it would be eating and sleeping... if they get bored with that they might approve 1 or 2 cases.

    I keep hearing that DOL has allocated more resources to entering data. Does it really take so much effort to perform data entry. One of our customer is a large multinational company that has hired a few interns to convert huge stacks of paper files into electronic format by manually entering data into the system. These paper files go back decades, and these 5-6 interns have been making great progress.

    In contrast, how long does it take to enter 300K cases into the system? Besides, if they have hired about 100 additional people or so, why are they using case reviewers to enter data? Can't they use interns to perform such low-skill job while continuing to use reviewers to perform their primary task?

    My company recently interviewed a fresh computer science college graduate who is working with DOL in entering data. I wish we had hired him so that I could talk to him more about his job duties there.


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  • shakira y pique fotos. de amor

  • CADude
    10-27 01:20 PM
    I sent the email to ombudsman. Thanks for PM.

    tattoo shakira y pique en blanes. la fotos de shakira y gerard pique. shakira y pique en blanes. día
  • shakira y pique en blanes. día

  • arihant
    03-13 12:31 PM
    Looking through the ammendments, one that stuck out was about the drunk driving conviction. The ammendment makes it a deportable crime. Well, not that we would ever be stupid enough to drink and drive. But, if you do, and you get caught, be aware of the serious implications it may have.


    pictures Gerard Piqué, novio de Shakira fotos de shakira y gerard pique. Shakira+y+pique+pics
  • Shakira+y+pique+pics

  • sam_hoosier
    01-03 04:26 PM
    I come from a nuclear family in India and see no reason why my kid cannot develop into a good citizen the way my parents made sure I did..........

    I learnt at a very young age that living with your cousins/uncles/aunts is not necessarily a guarantee of being close........ I am a lot closer to family I never lived with in the same city than I am to family who lived a few blocks from where we did.........

    It is all in how the parents mold the environment for their kids. if we as parents fail in our duty towards our kids, does not matter where you live, we will do a great disservice to society..........

    Sure, I dont think there is any one correct answer for this dilemma. Most of us are going to base our decisions on our personal circumstances and hope that they turn out correct in the long run :)

    dresses shakira y pique. shakira y fotos de shakira y gerard pique. Shakira y Gerard Piqué
  • Shakira y Gerard Piqué

  • coolngood4u80
    12-12 01:37 PM
    You will get your GC in 2011.
    Which state are you in? Try other means of financing for the car. Sometimes the dealers themselves have options but might be a % or two higher.
    There was a previous post regarding admisibility of EAD as one of the documents for DL. You might want to search for that post. I asume you dont have an H1b, right?
    I am on H1 and I140 approved. Bank of american denied my car loan. Infact Honda Finance too denied my loan. Finally I had to go with Credit union who gave me very good APR for my excellent credit history. So there is a way out guys ..we just have to live with it untill we get our GC


    makeup shakira y pique. shakira y fotos de shakira y gerard pique. Shakira contó con el apoyo de
  • Shakira contó con el apoyo de

  • jk333
    07-23 01:47 PM
    Just sharing so that this encorages more participation..

    Our company fund drive is at 12500$ (in 4 days).. We're trying to hit 15K
    by Wednesday, which I hope we'll be able to race past.

    Any other company wants to challenge our Drive? :)

    Hi guys,

    I am sure every company would have their own 'stuck in gc process' alias.
    Please start an IV fund drive, so that you can do this on a company basis.

    Theres one going on in mine..and guess what..20 contributions in a couple of hours.

    girlfriend shakira y pique en blanes. día fotos de shakira y gerard pique. shakira-y-gerard-pique-si-se-
  • shakira-y-gerard-pique-si-se-

  • cdeneo
    02-09 03:02 AM
    You have gotten a lot of feedback already here, just some additional practical advice-

    1. You need to decide whether you will be happy comprising for the rest of your life just so that you can protect your baby' life? Make a decision thinking long term if you think your marriage will work or not.
    2. As long as you are in the US - be sure you are aware of the legal laws and don't do anything that will go against you (harrassment, abuse, etc). Allegations can be made but do not do anything in anger/frustration that acts as evidence against you in the future.
    3. Make sure your wife DOES NOT TAKE THE CHILD AND LEAVE THE COUNTRY UNDER THE PRETEXT OF A VACATION. Cause if that happens then you will be blackmailed for your child and my advise would be to not travel to India under any circumstance since laws there are totally against the MEN.
    3. If you decide to go for a divorce, find a good lawyer and get all the information. Do it in the US - laws in India will be in your wife's favor.
    4. In general do not travel to India until you are assured that these issues are settled and you won't get stuck in India even if you go there only for a vacation.
    5. Record conversations and build proof incase things go bad in the future. Do not take this lightly - this will be your only savior if false allegations are put against you in India.

    I been a member of IV for a long time and just to keep myself anonymous for a while I created this account. I am so sorry for opening a thread in a completely irrelevant forum but I have no idea what to do. So, I request all the members to please help me by providing some kind of information.

    Here is my story:

    I came to US in 2002 and completed masters and been working since then. I got married couple of years ago. Whatever the monetary gifts the girls parents gave as part of the marriage, I put all that in an account on the girls name within 2 days of the marriage. We came to India and from then on the problems started. She and her parents want me to separate from my parents and support their family by sending money to their parents which I couldn't do. How can I leave my parents in their old age when they worked very hard to give a decent life. She has been harassing me mentally for this all the time. Recently her parents have been threatening me saying they will file dowry case in India if I don't send money or cut myself off from my parents. I provided for the girl in all possible ways, even encouraged her to join school to get a masters degree which she stopped soon. We had a baby recently and my parents visited us to help us with the baby. She started harassing them too by saying something or other.

    I am very frustrated at this situation and I don't know what to do. I am on H1B and applied for 485 too. At times I feel like applying for divorce but when I think about my little baby I am not able to take that step. The house we currently live in, I bought long before the marriage. It came to a situation where we cannot live together. I cannot ask her to go out of the house because she doesn't have anywhere to go and with the baby even if she leaves, it will be very tough. I said I will leave the house and stay in a apartment for which she threatens to commit suicide. So, I don't know what to do. I am worried about my baby because between all this my baby's life will be spoiled and I don't want that. Can anyone please tell me what I can do in this matter?

    Thank you very much for taking time to read this.

    hairstyles 2011 Shakira Gerard Pique fotos de shakira y gerard pique. Gerard Piqué Bernabéu
  • Gerard Piqué Bernabéu

  • chanduv23
    09-16 01:20 AM
    Where there is a will there is a way





    10-27 08:35 AM
    Thanks wandmaker for appreciation. It helps!

    I got quite a few positive responses. On other side I got few negative messages, few pessimitics and few red dots on posts after I started this exercise. Sometimes it still bothers me but I guess I need to get out of this critics and appreciations and want to concentrate 100% on agenda: Fight against injustice in AC21 implementation.

    To all,

    If you appreciate me, please help me by motivating others to join the movement.

    If you don't like me - please be generous and atleast tell me what should be done rather than just criticizing.

    FYI - Five of my friends has emailed and sent out the letters.

    03-15 04:08 PM
    Interesting Summary

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