Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • ragz4u
    03-16 09:47 AM
    I see, still nothing on the real player.

    'We are doing the best we can, it should be up and running soon'

    I hate this default answer...perfect time for them to mess it up....arrgghhhh

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  • ind_game
    05-15 09:53 AM
    Hi ind_game,

    For me, 1. I-140 approval in September, 2007 (actually 09/04/2009 as I have the hard copy) has typo. I think your 09/04/2009 should be 2007.

    Please correct.

    My apologies........Can I correct the thread message looks I cannot.......anyway here is the updated....thanks ak_2006

    Here is the scoop.

    from US Congresswoman's office, an immigration specialist spoke to their liaison at the Nebraska Service Center.

    Liaison confirmed the following:

    1. I-140 approval in September, 2007 (actually 09/04/2007 as I have the hard copy)
    2. I-140 revocation in Feb, 2009 ( he has not provided the day of the month, but from LUD I have it strongly pointing to 02/03/2009)
    I have not told the Congresswoman's office about the I-140 revocation. Just mentioned that it might have happened as I have left the company.

    3. Liaison did confirm that even after the I-140 being withdrawn I am eligible for adjustment thru AC21.

    4. Liaison did agree that if the I-140 was revoked within the stipulated time given in AC21, Nebraska�s decision to deny the I-485 may have been in error. (which in my case is true)

    Immigration specialist at the Congresswoman's office is going to contact the Director of NSC to review this matter with a supervisor

    Unanswered questions:

    1. If the Liaison can see that my I-140 is approved on 09/04/2007, why is that the adjudicating officer is responding with a denial on 09/04/2007 and subsequent denial of I-485?
    2. Are they both not looking at my information with same interface?

    Atleast in my case it looks deliberate and intentional.

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  • pappu
    09-09 11:20 PM
    Just made an online contribution through my banks bill pay for $150.00. My handle should be part of the memo.

    On a more important note:

    WHY is the "Contact us" link SO hard to find?? I was required to put in the IV phone number and it took me more than 10 mins to find it. I highly suggest that the administrators put the contact link on the homepage itself.

    Thanks for the contribution.
    Contact us link is on every page at the top.

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  • saravanaraj.sathya
    07-20 04:14 PM
    As per this link, there is premium processing for EAD. I think whoever needs immediate can take advantage of this instead of waitinf for months


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  • guy03062
    03-15 07:52 AM
    03/15/2006: Possible Full Senate Debate Mark-Up Beginning From March 20, 2006

    An unconfirmed sources of information has just released a report that the Sen. Bill Frist, Majority Leader is pushing a two-week full Senate floor debate beginning from March 20, 2006 rather than March 27, 2006. This report is indirectly supported by another news that the Senate Judiciary Committee is pressed to extend their additional mark-up on Friday, March 17 to finish up the Committee action before the end of the week.

    03/15/2006: Senate Judiciary Committee Update: Additional Mark-Up Friday, 03/17/2006

    Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to pickup the Sen. Specter's Mark of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bills today. Initially it was scheduled for two days, March 15 and March 16, but the AILA has just obtained the information that the Committee has tentatively extended the mark-up on March 17, Friday as well in order to finish up this business within this week. As we reported earlier, the Committee has been working on a tight schedule because of the pressure from Senator Frist, the Majority Leader of the Senate to start debate on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform in the Senate beginning from March 27, 2006.
    Now is the time for everyone to pickup the phone or send emails to the Senate Judiciary Committee members to urge them to support the bills. Otherwise it will be too late.


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  • ruchigup
    02-09 03:26 PM
    Life is about compromise and you are right it is hurtful to the future of baby who don't realize what is going on. Baby really need both Mom and Dad, pls try to explain this to your wife.

    About cutting off with parents, she can chose not to talk to your parents and/or you can chose not to talk to her parents if things are not right. But forcing to breakup with own parents is utterly wrong and unacceptable. You can try to explain this to your wife.

    This is your side of story "She started harassing them too by saying something or other. " and you must remember there is something called postpartum depression which Indian parents in-laws don't understand when they come for their daughter-in-laws delivery. I have heard few other cases when things went really bad after delivery.

    Try to explain her that she and child are your first priority. I am sure you have tried to do this many times, try few times more. If talking results in a fight, try sending a long thoughtful email (make sure any of it can't be used against you if things still don't get better, probably you can use it in your favor if needed about the efforts you put in to improve). Before even thinking about divorce try to give life a 2nd chance and may be 3rd chance.

    I must say that it is hard to believe that in this whole thing you/your parents didn't do anything wrong and one fine day your wife went nuts. Try to analyze yourself too.

    These things are very depressing and sad and only the one who goes through it understands. Easier to give advice.

    I been a member of IV for a long time and just to keep myself anonymous for a while I created this account. I am so sorry for opening a thread in a completely irrelevant forum but I have no idea what to do. So, I request all the members to please help me by providing some kind of information.

    Here is my story:

    I came to US in 2002 and completed masters and been working since then. I got married couple of years ago. Whatever the monetary gifts the girls parents gave as part of the marriage, I put all that in an account on the girls name within 2 days of the marriage. We came to India and from then on the problems started. She and her parents want me to separate from my parents and support their family by sending money to their parents which I couldn't do. How can I leave my parents in their old age when they worked very hard to give a decent life. She has been harassing me mentally for this all the time. Recently her parents have been threatening me saying they will file dowry case in India if I don't send money or cut myself off from my parents. I provided for the girl in all possible ways, even encouraged her to join school to get a masters degree which she stopped soon. We had a baby recently and my parents visited us to help us with the baby. She started harassing them too by saying something or other.

    I am very frustrated at this situation and I don't know what to do. I am on H1B and applied for 485 too. At times I feel like applying for divorce but when I think about my little baby I am not able to take that step. The house we currently live in, I bought long before the marriage. It came to a situation where we cannot live together. I cannot ask her to go out of the house because she doesn't have anywhere to go and with the baby even if she leaves, it will be very tough. I said I will leave the house and stay in a apartment for which she threatens to commit suicide. So, I don't know what to do. I am worried about my baby because between all this my baby's life will be spoiled and I don't want that. Can anyone please tell me what I can do in this matter?

    Thank you very much for taking time to read this.


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  • qualified_trash
    05-31 04:41 PM
    Did get solved by Andrew Wiles in in the mid-nineties. To read about the history and drama behind this theorem, I suggest reading 'Fermat's Enigma' by Simon Singh. So I guess if that can be solved, PBEC could find a way out for all of us.

    thanks for the pointer!! I was aware that Wiles proved it but there was a flaw in his work. was not aware of the subsequent proof.

    anyone at PBEC listening??

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  • vayumahesh
    01-10 11:36 AM
    Finally a happy ending to my green card journey. Received our cards on Saturday. Thank You IV and I wish all the best for everyone.


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  • wandmaker
    06-09 12:29 PM
    i was regular contributor to IV ..I stopped it ..

    My request is ..

    All postings on IV should identify the user as contributing member or a Free User.

    That change will help IV to increase Funding ..

    I will sign up for monthly recurring to IV if I see above change ..

    You can add your contribution details to the signature. Remember, all the IVans are not paid for volunteer work. If you have time, please feel free to write the component compatible with joomla, paypal and google-checkout to implement this. We need to focus our energy on the action items, which will bring the benefit to immigration community through the bills that are in table.

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  • hiralal
    05-29 12:05 AM
    if your loan is denied while on EAD ..count yourself as lucky !!!
    my advice careful before you take a plunge when on EAD or on temporary visa (H1).
    MONDAY, MAY 25, 2009
    The Housing Hurricane Will Howl Again
    This is only a lull in the housing hurricane.

    WE'RE OUT OF THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE, but here comes the back half of the storm. A lot of people think that we've seen the worst of the housing crisis. They're talking about green shoots and glimmers of hope, when they should be back in the storm shelter, preparing for a flood of inventory that will overwhelm the markets and produce another round of falling prices

    For the past few months there has been a semi-moratorium on foreclosures. Most institutions with delinquent mortgages didn't foreclose. The signs that blanket many neighborhoods have been posted by a fraction of the lenders. Now the rest of the banks are rushing to get their properties on the market.
    Christoph Hitz for Barron's
    We're still supporting misguided programs that only add to inventory woes. They encourage builders to put up more homes and penalize anyone else trying to sell a home.

    As a Florida real-estate broker who works with bank asset managers to dispose of foreclosed properties, I get a good view of this market. From December 2008 through mid-March 2009, the number of asset managers calling to discuss REO (real estate owned) properties on their client banks' books dropped by more than 80% from the level at which it previously had been running. In the past two months, however, asset managers have been busy, with most interested in how many properties we could handle at once.

    Law firms for banks are once again lining up to file foreclosures and to process evictions. The asset managers we work with have warned us to expect a flood of properties, beginning in early June. This will hit as the number of potential buyers continues to dwindle. Builders, traditional sellers and investors who entered too early are already loaded with REO properties.

    ALL OF THE OBAMA administration's attempts to revive, resuscitate and shock the housing markets into recovery have failed. Potential buyers can't purchase homes when they are losing their jobs, regardless of how attractive the credits and mortgages are. The price of homes will continue to fall until the properties are affordable for potential buyers.

    If an investor could purchase a home and rent it out for close to breakeven, we might be getting close to a bottom. But we are nowhere close to that level in most critical markets. Until it is approached, prices will continue to fall. In fact, the negative cash flow now evident, along with the flood of properties coming into the inventory pool, warn of lower prices.

    There's no light at the end of the tunnel yet. We're still supporting builders through misguided programs that are only adding to the inventory woes. California decided to offer a $10,000 credit to buyers of new homes, on top of the $8,000 federal credit. But California made the $10,000 available only for new homes purchased directly from builders. That shows the power of the builders' lobby, but it only adds to California's housing-industry problem. It encourages builders to construct dwellings we don't need, and it penalizes anyone else trying to sell a home.

    Housing inventory soon will flood a market in which more than 500,000 homes are being built each year, even though the annual sales pace for new homes is closer to 300,000. We must also deal with a system clogged with impossible short sales, a surge of second and vacation homes being dumped, and third-wave flippers realizing that they entered the market too soon.

    FOR THE BANKS, the back half of the hurricane will destroy balance sheets, unless the Obama administration comes up with another plan to mythically mark these assets on the books. Or we might see some chimerical plan to write down mortgage payments, or move toxic mortgages into a dark pool, or create some new illusion that glosses over the problem.

    Our experience with banks' selling REOs is they realize about 50%-75% of what they initially think they will get. Moreover, their expenses to bring these properties to market and manage them are growing. Court systems bogged down with foreclosures are raising fees so that they can hire additional staff. More and more homeowners being evicted are stripping homes to the bone, removing appliances, fixtures, carpet, cabinets, air handlers, motorized garage-door openers and anything else that they can carry off or sell.

    Unemployment presents a two-pronged problem. If homeowners lose their jobs, they have difficulty meeting mortgage payments. And a high jobless rate forces more people to put their homes on the market.

    During the housing bubble, many second homes were purchased with the mythical equity from primary residences. These second homes are coming onto the market at an alarming rate, as many middle- and upper-class sellers need to raise cash. In some very exclusive private communities in Florida, where home prices are in the seven figures, more than 50% of the homes are on the market. (For more on the vacation-home market, see Cover Story.)

    Unfortunately, there are no signs of recovery, despite the hype and the twisting of numbers in many media reports. The end of the unofficial moratorium on foreclosures, combined with rising unemployment, signals that the back half of this housing hurricane is only just beginning.


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  • priti8888
    07-23 06:07 PM
    My husband doesn't even want to look. He says he'll become too agitated, so only let him know the good news. I'm addicted too, but this could become a problem for me, since this week I have finals at school:o

    I am the better half too!:) Anyway, just an FYI. Since you got your RD, i would suggest you inquire about your and your familys name check status in the next few months. As far as i know, name checks are cleared whithin a few months of RD or few months after 1st Fingerprint. This would just give you some peace of mind...

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  • santb1975
    05-30 12:42 PM
    We really need to


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  • legalVoice
    05-03 09:56 AM
    Maybe it would be eating and sleeping... if they get bored with that they might approve 1 or 2 cases.

    I keep hearing that DOL has allocated more resources to entering data. Does it really take so much effort to perform data entry. One of our customer is a large multinational company that has hired a few interns to convert huge stacks of paper files into electronic format by manually entering data into the system. These paper files go back decades, and these 5-6 interns have been making great progress.

    In contrast, how long does it take to enter 300K cases into the system? Besides, if they have hired about 100 additional people or so, why are they using case reviewers to enter data? Can't they use interns to perform such low-skill job while continuing to use reviewers to perform their primary task?

    My company recently interviewed a fresh computer science college graduate who is working with DOL in entering data. I wish we had hired him so that I could talk to him more about his job duties there.

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  • jonty_11
    07-05 05:06 PM
    called CA senators, as I am outa state they said they are not entertaining outa state calls at this point...huh!!
    They only do this when call volume is high....Does this mean at least CAlif guys are calling..

    Go IV go@@


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  • gctoget
    07-30 11:50 AM
    I was surprised to find that SoCal IV strength has increased to 24 now. Good work SoCal IV!!!

    More members should join our group and get involved in IV activities.

    If you have questions or wish to join the yahoo group please visit

    or send blank e-mail to


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  • abhijitrajan
    06-22 12:07 PM
    Do you know if you got an audit? Any idea about how they decide to do audits?

    I don't think my case has been picked up for audit, at least not so far. I don't know the criteria for audit. Just hoping the next application they pull from the pile is mine.


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  • bsbawa10
    09-12 07:36 AM
    I wouldnt mind sending old bata slippers:D to beat themselves with

    That is right. I said before and I am saying again. I am against sending flowers or calculators because.
    1. They cost money (Some people may not do that just because of that).
    2. USCIS will like those toys for their kids (Please come out of the movie mood, movies impress a lot but they are a lot different from real life). Believe me they will treat these things as wonderful gifts and we will end up spending time and money for these.
    3. It will not make any difference to USCIS.
    4. USCIS can always redirect all those flowers to orphanage or other places, what they cannot do is redirect our posters trying to put them to shame.
    I have been appealing a lot about this. Why do not we have a letter compain along with posters which should put them to shame. These should not only be sent to USCIS, but also to the press, congressmen, president of US and yes the director of USCIS. I have created several posters here.
    The letter campaign thread is

    Does anybody here agree with me ? Singhsa, your thoughts ?

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  • dtekkedil
    10-01 04:26 PM
    I am curious..

    why USCIS/ DOL needs a law to re-capture visa # which were not used in previous years ?

    I mean Congress already authorized these ? Canot DOL/ UCIS make a judgement based on their own ?


    There is no law to allow re-capture of visa numbers as of yet. In fact it says the opposite in the existing laws - That the visa numbers may not be re-captured.

    There has been one case of visa recapture law passed during the Clinton administration and they did not allow a rollover recapture (I believe they recaptured the visa numbers that were lost between 1995 and 2000 only (please correct me if I am wrong about the years))

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  • vdlrao
    06-11 02:53 PM
    vdlrao, Thanks ..good days are always ahead. can you tell me the reason for your optimism ? the problem I see is spillovers not going to EB3-I. at the very least they should have thrown some visas to EB3 out of pity :).
    In fact that is the only hope ..i.e. other categories will be in 2006 while EB3 will be in early 2002 late 001 ..and to make it look better USCIS will give some visas to EB3-I. in either case do share your reasons ..TIA
    as I mentioned in earlier post ..if EB3-I gets only the alloted visas ..that means around 30 families in a state gets a GC most apartment complex(in the big cities) will see more than 30 Indian families waiting for GC

    Due to the lot of noice we have done,most of the law makers know theres a community called legal immigrants, and their long waiting periods due to the outdated rules. The new OBAMA government's agenda is to take the immigration reform during his first year tenure in the ffice. Once the immigration reform took place, I am pretty sure there would be significat changes in employment based category, which drastically decrease the backlogs in all EB categories.
    In addtion to that "legals are first than illegals"- OBAMA. This itself is enough for clearing off all the backlogs.

    09-16 02:49 AM
    Dear friends,
    I made my first $100.00 contribution and would like to sign up for more. Google Order #834309558256739 .

    I thank all the efforts of the members of

    --From SF Bay Area

    Thank you very much permfiling. Your contribution is very much appreciated. It is certainly going to make IV stronger and in a better position to help fight for causes which affect each one of us.

    12-21 11:47 AM
    one of my close friend grew from a regular programmer to the position of VP in the span of last 6 years. he is facing lot of issues with GC.

    clearly mirage didn't mean growing to the position of exactly VP. he meant a higher and slightly different position, for example an IT Manager. It is not that uncommon, for a IT Progmr who works in the same company for 5-6 years, offered a Manager position.

    desi, this is argument is going nowhere, ur intentions in the beginning are good and i welcome ur critique, but leave it when recepeints aren't taking it. it became argument just for the sake of supporting ur argument.

    Sure, he will face lot of difficulties, if his employer failed to file for H1 amendment when his job profile/responsibilities changed. There is a procedure in place whenever for cases when job profile changes. My job profile was changed, but my employer filed for both H1 amendment and new I-140 to reflect new job duties.

    When new I-140 is filed in such cases, beneficiary retains his/her priority date.

    Good Luck with your GC.

    Proud Indian-American and Legal Immigrant

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