Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • missourian
    09-09 11:33 PM
    I feeling really bad because I couldn't participate in rally, I just made a modest contribution of $100 through paypal

    Web Accept Payment Sent (ID # 0830757928815571G)

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  • Waitingnvain
    05-04 10:21 AM
    Hey Guys:

    My PD is June 2001. I believe my attorney replied to the 45-day letter in Sep 05. Nothing has happened after that. The wait continues..

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  • rameshk75
    01-18 11:49 PM
    Check with your employer/attorney before going to the local office. They might have received your documents by now.

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  • jetflyer
    12-15 11:34 AM
    On a serious note: Our situation is not comparable with Independence War, we will not die if we don’t have GC, we all are doing Well/Good/Okay but our lives could be lot better if we have GC by NOW, not X years from now, we need it NOW. But seems to be we have made compromise with the situation and one way or other we are floating with our lives. Initiatives like Hunger Strike may not work well but some sort of Flower Campaign/similar initiatives may work well. Monthly donation seems to be upsetting because they can’t tie it straight with outcomes, its hard to keep people on the hook for long, everybody is expecting it to happen sooner and Lobbying works slowly, it’s the reality.
    (2000-2007 H1B, 2007-Now EAD)


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  • abhijitp
    07-06 09:47 AM
    Can anyone post the email of the reporter?

    Then click on Send an email to Julia Preston

    The following page comes up:
    Send a Message to JULIA PRESTON

    Delivery of this e-mail may be delayed. If you need to reach The Times immediately, please call 212-556-1234.

    Your name:
    Your Email Address:
    Your Message:

    URL of article related to your message:

    <button>Click to send message</button>

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  • pmat
    03-13 01:03 PM
    How long does it take to receive the cert in mail?


    mine took 20 days.


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  • willwin
    07-11 11:13 AM
    Yeah I am EB3 India June 2003 too. Not sure when our turn will come, IF at all the way things are crawling here. Sometimes I really feel there is no justice to some of the IV members on here. I wonder which is worse, the corruption in India or the bureaucracy in the USA. Atleast in India, if I would have bribed the official, I would have had the documents by now.


    People here think EB3 deserves to be waiting (in the given scenario and only EB2 move forward). After all we are not EB2!

    2003? another 2-3 years easily. I am only 2005. So may be another 5 years for me. Well, what the heck

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  • gc_perm2k6
    03-05 05:26 PM
    My 485 had soft LUD on 2/27/09. Although, my husband's dependent application dint have one.


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  • lazycis
    11-20 06:25 PM
    Yep, Ron G. precisely described risks of focusing on maintaining H1 and forgetting about maintaining EAD.

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  • walking_dude
    07-06 12:35 AM
    IV does not need a change in leadership. We have a very effective leadership that is working hard behind the scenes to bring about a positive change to the community. If we have not been noticing major changes, it's due to the passive (chaltha hai chalne do) nature of our community, who don't even lift a finger to swat a fly, until and unless they receive a RFE/NOID/Rejection letter from the USCIS.

    No change in leadership will bring about any change, unless the community changes it's mentality, raises above narcissism, and becomes actively involved in the movement. This requires a "person with the face", a person ready to expose himself as a leader of the movement to motivate others; subjecting himself/herself to death threats (and other threats) from anti-immigrant goons like ITGrunt and others. Our fearless Aman Kapoor has made that bold sacrifice for the ungrateful community which blames him for all our collective failures.

    So before proposing a change in leadership, I request Mr. Bawa to post his personal picture in the IV profile and/or publish a YouTube video of his ideas for the movement ( just like Aman's video on Immigration Voice). I can't vote for a faceless leader hiding behind anonymity. I need a real life person with real ideas. Do we have such New fearless leaders in our community?


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  • Imm_Exploited
    07-24 10:59 PM

    Congratulations!! Enjoy your freedom.

    My PD is October 2003 (EB2 India) and I have always detested the fact that in some states the LC used to be approved very fast. If I remember correctly, the LC approvals used to have a state-wise bulletins prior to PERM and there was a time when in states like Maine, some got their GCs within a year of filing their LC. The majority unlucky ones got stuck in red tape racist states and LCs were moved to BECs.

    priti888's LC was approved before December 2004 and she was able to file I-140 + I-485 concurrently in December 2004 becuase EB3 India was 'C' in December 2004 VB (
    The title of the thread if funny (like the Monday Headlines in Jay Leno's Show) - card production ordered!!! July 23th :) instead of July 23rd

    LuckyPaji - I don't even want to attempt to respond to his case. His explanantion that he has an undergraduate degree from Punjab is too clean and too good to be true.

    Visa Allotment or Assigning of Visas by USCIS - I cannot digest the assumption that USCIS/DOS/DOL are fools and there is no coordination among them to know who from which country has applied for GC under which category. These Govt. agencies are so efficient that they can even go through these forums and connect IDs here to applications. It is a piece of cake for them to find out the entire background of an applicant as soon as even the LC is filed. They very well know who is stuck with which employer in which state and what stage and to whom they are approving the GCs. If the employers are Americans, they can even call the DOL and ask them to hold the LC approval because they know that once their employees get their GCs they will quit them.

    I am not trying to be negative and pessimistic, but please think about the chances of immigrants sueing these Govt. agencies during any of the stages in GC process and winning the lawsuit. And ofcourse, the immigration lawyers are too happy with the retrogressions and the way the immigration system works in this country.

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  • silibili
    05-11 11:01 AM
    Hello all,
    I have finished calling all the republicans from the list. here are my
    experiences. Most senator aides were patient and took down messages, i
    have listed the different ones.

    Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire) : does support high skilled

    Senator Michael Enzi (R-Wyoming) : aide was very patient and chatted
    abt legal immigration reform and took name, number, zip , msg to pass
    to senator.

    Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) : went to vm twice. left vm

    Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) : aide not very patient. asked to call
    my state senator.

    Senator John Kyl (R-Texas) : aide was very patient, and understanding,
    and had a chat about current immigration scenario. Senator Kyl is
    supportive of legal immigration, he intro/supported one bill for us in
    2007 but it failed to pass. He said that the senate politics is not
    letting high skilled immigration reform pass. he does not support
    amnesty, he wants border secured, etc before fixing broken legal

    Please call and share your experience.

    * Contributed money to IV
    * Trying to get locals involved


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  • gcgcgcgc
    07-22 04:49 AM
    Hi Tina,

    Thanks for your reply. I am in Eb3. I am willing to relocate but you know that every state has different rules for Physical Therapists. As I have 3 yrs of experience from India, I wonder who can sponsor me.

    A lot of employers are willing to sponsor Schedule A applications, as far as you get your own lawyer & bare the costs, especially if they don't have an immigration department. So you may want to let them know that you have a lawyer who can file as soon as. Some employers already have the employment notice.

    You may already know these, but here goes

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  • mirage
    08-04 10:19 AM
    I would request everybody to send out the mails ASAP. This will certainly help....
    Pani, I was not able to upload the word doc. Can you make a word document from this and upload it...


    To, 08/05/2008

    Charles Oppenheim / Visa Section
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520


    Your Name/Your Address/EB-3 India Applicant
    Priority Date: May 2003
    Some City,

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Sub: Statistics on Employment Based AOS(Adjustment of Status) applications pending at USCIS under various categories

    I am writing to you to express my sense of helplessness over the unpredictability of Visa Number allotment to various employment based category. I want to bring to your attention that it�s been nearly a �Decade� since we saw any meaningful Visa Date movement from year 2001 for EB-3 Green Card applicants from India.

    It is important to know that despite of severe visa retrogression and random visa cutoff date movements, USICIS or DOS hasn�t released any official information on how many Adjustment of Status applications are pending at USCIS under various categories which leaves thousands of AOS(Adjustment of Status) applicants in complete darkness and dependent on guessing games by various Law firms.

    A green card application requires enormous amount of efforts and money from the beneficiary and his/her employer. People who are waiting for 7-8 years now would have had already spent average $15,000-$20,000, in maintaining their statuses and keep the Green Card process going on. Being stuck in a green card process keeps us bonded with 1 employer, job type etc.
    We need to know if there is any light at the end of the tunnel. We need to know for how long we have to live our life in limbo. If there is hope than we need to be patient and plan to live like that for another 1-2 years. But if there�s no light at the end of the tunnel than we need to move on with our careers and other family commitments. Only your office and USCIS can help us by releasing statistics on the number and categories of applications pending with USCIS people waiting in this category can plan their lives accordingly.

    It will be a great help if DOS or USCIS could tell us about the number of AOS application pending at USCIS along with their Categories(EB-3, EB-2, EB-1) and chargeable country.
    We have been waiting for a decade and continue to wait would it be reasonable to request you for some guidance with regards to the Visa allotment. I request your office to provide some statistics on home many Adjustment of Status applications are pending at USCIS.

    We understand that you work with in the limits of the law as set by the Congress and are limited by various constraints that are beyond your agency realm of work. We appreciate your hard work and sincerely thank you for all the hard work.

    God Bless America!

    Thank you for you attention,

    (Your Name OR EB-3 India Applicant )
    Priority Date: April 02
    Category: EB-3
    Member ImmigrationVoice.Org

    Copy Sent to

    Honorable Secretary of State
    Dr. Condoleezza Rice
    U.S. Department of State
    2201 C Street NW
    Washington, DC 20520

    Honorable Director, USCIS
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
    20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20529

    Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
    Department of Homeland Security
    Attention: Case Problems
    Mail Stop 1225
    Washington, D.C. 20528-1225

    Senator John Cornyn
    Chairman - United States Senate Judiciary subCommittee on
    Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
    517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
    Washington, DC 20510
    Main: 202-224-2934
    Fax: 202-228-2856

    Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
    Chairwoman - United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship,
    Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
    102 Cannon HOB
    Washington, D.C. 20515
    Telephone (202) 225-3072


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  • makemygc
    07-06 03:29 PM
    There are many members who think IV and other members are fighting for re-reversal of VB or increase in visa number for 2007....

    why dont they understand that we are fighting to avoid rejection, we are not asking them to re-revise bulletin, all we want is just accept the application without rejecting them, so that we can save ourselves from loosing money and time. dont make fun of IV and other members who's putting their efforts in it, no matter what the result is. if you dont want to participate please stop visiting this forum.

    Paisa you too man.

    I don't mean to disrespect you but I guess you are going too far with your words. We are with IV much before you born..ok so do not dare teach us what we should be doing, with your 49 posts.

    Now back to your comments. You seem to be lost in some dreamy world. What do you mean by just accept the application, so that you can save yourself from loosing money. Do you worry about your GC/EAD or saving your money. From your posts it look like you are more interested in getting your money back than the eligibility to file for EAD.

    I'm sure IV does not agree with you and that's not the IV goal. Focus is on to make USCIS accept what they promise and that is accepting the applications files on July for AOS.

    What you are trying to do is twist your own agenda of getting your money back by making it as an IV goal. It's not a bad thing to save money or asking the money back from USCIS, which you anyway going to get when they reject your application and send your check back. As far as attorney's fees are concerned, lot of attorney's are going to refile without any charge or for some additional meagre fees.
    Now the decision is yours, whether you want to get your money or you want the eligibility to file for EAD/GC/AP.

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  • greensignal
    12-28 12:30 PM
    Hi Guys, Even my receipt date for AP is October 12th but status is still pending.

    However, I got 2 soft LUD's on my I140 & I485 on 12/26/07 & 12/27/07. Can I expect my I140 approval????

    Hoping for the best......


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  • Green.Tech
    05-25 10:10 PM
    Please contribute!

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  • sunofeast_gc
    07-23 06:27 PM
    This is aboslutly not possible; he/she is trying to fool every one. Before retrogression, the last date to file a 485 for a EB3-Indian with PD 08/2004 was 12/31/2004. From Jan 2005 till July 2007 EB3 Inida was retrogressed for his PD. So he/she could not apply 485 in Feb 2005. The other optins could be he/she may be in EB2 catagory or a Schulde A nurse.

    I was in similar time frame; So I know the date well....

    Same thing came in my mind too....
    it must be EB2 or a Schulde A nurse

    anyway it good to know that someone got GC...

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  • nosightofgc
    07-14 10:19 PM
    Just Contributed $20.

    07-14 03:37 PM
    I just made online payment of $10.

    03-04 11:56 AM
    Thats ridiculous. I recently bought a home and got FHA loan from Chevy Chase Bank. To my surprise, they did not ask me a single immigration related document or any proof of legal presence. All they ever asked was a valid ID during closing, and I showed them my drivers license.

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