Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • JunRN
    10-03 10:56 PM
    Concurrent filing can be done by anyone with approved Labor Certification. Schedule A applicants already have pre-approved LC.

    This means, that not only Schedule A can file concurrently but also others as well.

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  • jonty_11
    07-06 01:25 PM
    I never saw this roumer any where..
    well its a few posts above on this thread..

    BTW, I am wondering why DOS keeps posting updates to July VB, rather than justmaking everything "U" instead of "C".....This is confusing.

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  • yabadaba
    08-27 01:05 PM
    since this last month has been one of the most frustrating in terms of any movement from any standpoint...thought i d write another op ed
    Where is my Ellis Island?

    America is more than a country. It is an idea. It is the idea of freedom, liberty and justice for all. It is the idea that an immigrant with the determination, skills and the ability to work hard can make it. He or she can single handedly change the course of their generations to come.

    I first read Jeffery Archer's Kane and Abel when I was 13. One of the most powerful images that the book conjured up for me was the day young Abel Rosonovski after facing years of hardship and seeing the collapse of the Polish dynasty, manages to get to America. Archer describes is great detail how Abel looks at the Statue of Liberty with tears in his eyes. When he lands on Ellis Island there are two guards who make notations of everybody getting off the boat and following a medical exam he is welcomed into America. Not as a temporary worker, not given an H1B, not given a temporary asylum status, but is welcomed as a full fledged American Citizen into the United States of America.

    Today, things are not the same. I agree that I did not have to endure years of civil war or ethnic strife, but my reason for moving to the US was just like every American's grandfather, great grandfather or great-great grandfather. In essence it was to ensure a better life for me and for my future generations. My great grandchild will someday talk about how her grandfather moved here, put himself through graduate school and tried to build a better life. Her story will be the same as every other American's.

    However, today I saw a letter being circulated by the anti immigration groups asking their congressman to oppose a bill proposed by Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona. This bill provides relief to millions of us who are stuck in limbo because of the worst set of immigration policies for educated immigrants in the civilized world. What makes me rethink my American dream is not that restrictionists like Lou Dobbs are against this bill but because what is being circulated is plain lies.

    They claim that persons on H1B does not pay taxes, bring in millions of family members and produce thousands of “anchor babies.” This is the same set of lies being touted by Tancredo and his creed. Under the H1-B visa we are not exempt from any taxes that are charged by the IRS. In fact most sensible and informed law-makers have agreed that this is almost discriminatory because under a work visa we cannot avail of any benefit that the social security program provides for.

    The other thing that makes me question my decision of being in America is the anchor babies’ statement. This statement reeks of xenophobia. It goes against everything that this country stands for. It is a slap in the face for the drafters of the 14th amendment. If my baby is an anchor baby, then every single American is also an anchor baby. By calling American children of immigrants "anchor babies" these restrictionists have defiled the entire premise of America. In immigrant circles, where people understand the process of immigration, this is seen as the "maccaca" moment for organizations like Numbers USA.

    Its time the restrictionists and the American public decide once and for all what they want from the immigrants. If you do not want us here, provide Tancredo and his creed with the tools to go ahead and build a mile high wall on the southern border, eliminate all temporary visa programs and close down any legal avenues for people to come here.

    If you consider that we provide value, subsidize your taxes by paying into the Social Security program, are an important part of your community and that we help stimulate the economy through taxes and buying power, then provide Rep. John Shadegg with the power to pass the Skill Bill.

    In any case end our misery and let us know what you want. This way we can go about our lives.

    IV member
    published on Dec 20 03143688521

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  • mrdelhiite
    06-22 03:06 PM
    Login is uniqe for each employer. My login will not work for you.

    so it is tied to your applied application.... can you not check someones elses application


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  • munnu77
    03-16 10:20 AM
    I just called ....
    They said they r trying to fix it...

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  • ashutrip
    06-25 10:21 AM
    As far as I know your country of origin doesn't matter under PERM. Correct me if I'm wrong.


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  • vjkypally
    07-20 01:48 PM
    And same with Chinese, Mexicans and Filipinos

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  • mxh72c
    07-11 07:26 AM
    This bulletin does prove that very few labor certificaions were done in 2005, due to move to PERM.


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  • logiclife
    07-20 01:34 PM
    UPDATE : 7.20.07 12:10 PM PST

    I need more people to stand up and commit to video campaign also. Come on guys, if this had any risk involved, I would not tell you to do this. I have myself put videos in past (for a different purpose). I am on my H1 too. If there was risk involved, I wouldnt do that. I am not crazy and I love my status and my prospects for GC too.

    If USCIS had been going after people just for speaking out in media, then the entire core group's 140s and 485s would have been rejected. USCIS does not have time, interest or legal grounds to care about who does what. Their job is to follow procedure listed in Adjudicator's field manual and work as per federal laws and regulations. Denials of 140s and 485s or labor cert need to fall under one or other category of federal regulation. They also need to be cited on denial notice. You cant just deny someone's 140 because you dont LIKE the extra carricular activities of person. You are dealing with a Democracy here. Not the 15th century Mughal emperor where the jahan-panah (the emperor) can put someone on trial, convict and sentence upon whim without any due process and where the roles of judge, prosecutor and jury are all fused together into one person. There is a reason why there is an independent judiciary in any reasonable democracy.

    If this were something illegal, yes you would be in trouble. If its legal, you are not in trouble no matter what.

    If you do something illegal, then no matter how secretly you do it, it will affect your GC or citizenship. Even after you get GC or citizenship, if you do ILLEGAL STUFF, then yes, those privileges can be revoked. If everything you do is LEGAL, then NO, NOTHING will happen to you.

    Kindly draw the lines of what you choose to do and choose not to do along the lines of LAW, and not along the lines of "What might or might not offend someone".

    If you are constantly afraid of offending someone, then the sad news is that you wont be able to accomplish much of anything in life, EVEN AFTER getting GC and citizenship.

    There is no such thing as secret protest.

    If the only protest is the only inside your head, then I dont think Congress is going to get the message. That's because Congress does not read minds. It can hardly keep up with letters and webfaxes so I doubt that the grievances inside your head that you intend to keep private will do you any good. You need to speak up publicly.

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  • ilikekilo
    07-23 06:55 PM
    I am sure you'll get GC by the end on this year or early next year. I might have called USCIS abt 15-20 times and from what I understand dates would retrogress for eb3 India, but not horribly. My guess in of the total applications in August 30% have older PD 02/03/04. Becuause pf PERM processing majority are 05/06/07.

    thanks for ur input and still sticking to IV ..


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  • mirage
    08-03 11:45 PM
    Thanks for Drafting this letter. I would add Rep. Zoe Logfren(Chairwoman of the immigartion subcommittee in the house & Senator John Cornyn Chairman of the immigartion subcommittee in the Senate) officials usually respond when things are addressed to Lawmakers too..
    Guys please send out this letter.

    I will appreciate if you could add these 2 in your 'Copy to' section...

    Senator John Cornyn
    Chairman - United States Senate Judiciary subCommittee on
    Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship
    517 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
    Washington, DC 20510
    Main: 202-224-2934
    Fax: 202-228-2856

    Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
    Chairwoman - United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship,
    Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
    102 Cannon HOB
    Washington, D.C. 20515
    Telephone (202) 225-3072


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  • bp333
    03-04 12:20 PM
    Is your case at NSC? I have definitely noticed a pattern of pre-adjudcation activity from NSC for cases filed in July-August 2007.

    My application is filed with Texas Service Centre.


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  • addsf345
    12-02 07:54 PM
    There is a different thread also going on, but sharing it here for anyone who have not noticed it yet. RG updated his website with below information.

    Good news concerning AOS denials based on I-140 revocations

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  • kuhelica2000
    09-15 05:13 PM
    I wasn't planning on porting my PD until I read this nonsense "Injunction" threat. I will now port my PD; GCTest - go and file your injunction. If you don't have enough balls to do that I can lend you one.

    That memo/document you pointed out is an interpretation. We have already said that USCIS's interpretation is incorrect. We intend to correct this interpretation with this lawsuit.

    Infact, it would be wrong to call this a lawsuit.

    We are aiming for an injunction (or a stay order) in step 1 of the lawsuit that would prevent USCIS from working on any interfiling/PD porting requests.

    If the injunction is with retroactive effect, all the EBs (not just EB3) who have ported their PDs will have their cases frozen. USCIS would not be able to work on them.

    The remainder of the lawsuit can take its sweet time... the injunction should serve the primary cause.


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  • sledge_hammer
    04-17 10:21 AM
    EAD is not a visa status. It is an employment authorization document. Of course they will not accept it in lieu of H-1B.

    What you need to do is show them the receipt of your I-485 application with the A#.

    In my case too he asked me if I was on EAD and I said yes. He said that I should then give him a copy of I-485 receipt. However, since I also maintain H-1B visa, I just gave him that.

    HSBC denied my refinance application because of EAD status. They said EAD is not one of the statuses they accept. They needed either H1B or GC status. I lost my $325 rate locking fee, not sure what else my real estate attorney is going to charge me because of this denial. I am in the process of talking to other banks.

    Hope this helps someone not to loose money.

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  • newbie2020
    05-02 02:45 PM
    I don't see Visas Recapture bill going any where.

    It seems USCIS wants to potray that they are doing great job by doing various Process improvements. USCIS indirectly wants to say that eventually USCIS process will be improved to the extent that there will be no Visas wasted.

    I think this was the most straight forward and simple bill. Other bills like removing the country limit are more challenging.So I don't see anything happening from immigration point unless democrats take over both senate and House in late 2008.

    Hope for any legislative changes only in 2009 and beyond and not in 2008.

    It really appeared to me that by the way lofgren asked the questions, and her comments (So recapturing is first step, She mentions "i will let the co-author know that you like the bill to uscis/state dept officials" etc. See the video again if u missed it out) makes me think they will go ahead and introduce in house for voting. What happens in the house is upto your speculation. Lets cross the fingers and wait for updates.

    by the way they have 5 business days to ask any questions or clarifications which will end on Wednesday, So until then lets sit tight.


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  • santb1975
    07-14 08:44 PM

    Hello everyone,

    I am starting a new campaign for IV's benefit. It is called "Give me a High Five".

    The point of this campaign is to send Not $100, not $50, not even $10.

    ALL you need to do is write out a $5 cheque and send it to IV on the address listed.

    The address to mail the checks to is:

    Immigration Voice
    P O Box 1372
    Arcadia, CA 91077-1372

    This address can also be found at:

    Please make sure you send in a cheque ONLY or do a bill pay so that no paypal/google checkout fees apply and all of the $5 ACTUALLY goes to IV.

    We have 30,000 members on here. If EACH of us contributes just $5 we have $150,000.

    For the sake of your OWN freedom, can you donate just FIVE dollars to IV? Every single one of you. IV has done a LOT for every legal immigrant. All we ask in return right now is FIVE dollars. FIVE dollars. Not the price of one month of Cable, but the price of a SUBWAY SANDWICH.

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  • gc_dedo
    04-30 02:44 PM
    Need real player
    damn not working for me.
    maybe its my office proxy problem

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  • yabadaba
    08-10 01:09 PM
    anyone living in lincoln can go to the service center and ask R williams where our apps arE??
    this post was a just a joke in case someone actually thinks of doing it.

    09-10 02:10 PM
    himu73, iqube00, desperatedesi for your contributions and efforts. And thanks Harivinder for your contribution and suggestion, IV is working on those banners.

    01-07 12:17 PM
    Just send your I-140 approved docs to the bank. I got the approval with my I-140 itself

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