Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • ita
    11-19 04:59 PM
    I requested for a document that got returned as undeliverable to be resent.
    I first requested CSR and she gave me a referrral#.
    Same day I spoke with IIO and she made the request again for me(before I could tell her I spoke with CSR)

    Today I spoke with a CSR and gave her the referral# that the CSR gave me last week and this lady says she didn't find any information related to this referral# .She did say it does surprise her. She also said she will open a new request .

    I was concerned if that will be kind of duplication of the work done by CSR & IIO last week and she said there is no need for such concern.

    What does all this mean?
    They open a request , give you a referral# and tell you the document will get mailed in 3-5 business days .
    IIO says she has placed a request.
    You go back after a week , and referral# has no information attached to it and this CSR says she 'll open new request.

    Anybody has any idea?
    Edit/Delete Message

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  • sandeepk_c
    10-19 05:12 PM
    I recently got a denial on my audited labor case after 2 years of wait. I had already applied my H1-B 8th year extn on the basis of my pending labor in premium mode. My luck was such that my labor was picked up and denied a day after the H1-B extn was filed.


    Since the basis of the H1-B extension was pending labor, I think USCIS will reject the extension unless I get lucky.

    If I appeal against the denial, is it possible to go back to USCIS to give the H1-B extension on that basis?

    DOL site says "standard appeals" is Aug 2007. Does this mean cases of 2007 or appeal filed in 2007 for an earlier denial?

    Reason for denial of labor:

    Company name was not filed in job advertisement
    Job location not specified in the ETA form.

    These seem too trivial but nevertheless they sent this in the denial.

    My company is looking into the paper work to determine that the above information was mentioned in the application?

    Your help/input is highly appreciated in this

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  • Macaca
    07-20 07:56 AM
    Breakdown in Relations in the Senate Hobbles Its Ability to Get Things Done (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/20/washington/20cong.html?_r=1&oref=slogin) By CARL HULSE (http://www.nytimes.com/gst/emailus.html) New York Times, July 20, 2007

    WASHINGTON, July 19 � Arlen Specter is a senior United States senator who expects to be allowed his say on the Senate floor. So he bristled when Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, brusquely cut him off at the end of the Iraq debate.

    �The leadership is setting a dictatorial tone,� Mr. Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania, said Thursday, still furious over his treatment the day before. �Senators didn�t get here to be pushed around.�

    It may seem small-minded to bicker over a few words at the end of a 24-hour debate. But the clash between the two veteran senators is evidence of a larger breakdown in relations in the Senate, a deterioration in cooperation that is hobbling the Senate�s ability to get things done. The situation is not likely to improve with a presidential election on the horizon.

    As the cots were rolled away and lawmakers left for a decent night�s rest after the around-the-clock debate that ended � like others this year � in stalemate, lawmakers of both parties said they had rarely seen the tone so poisonous and the willingness to work together on the floor at such a low ebb.

    �The last vestiges of courtesy seem to be going out the window,� said Senator Trent Lott, the Mississippi Republican who has served as majority and minority leader. �Every time I think the Senate � Republican or Democrat � has gone to a point where you can�t go any lower, we go lower.�

    It is hardly startling that members of the two parties do not see eye to eye. And the spirit of bipartisanship in the Senate always rises and falls depending on the subject and the election calendar. But seven months into the new Democratic regime, the environment seems unusually hostile. Occasionally, senators do, too, as exhibited in a Sunday television exchange between Senators Jim Webb, Democrat of Virginia, and Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, that looked for a moment as if it might turn physical as the two men argued about the war in Iraq.

    The angry attacks nearly spiraled out of control Thursday night as the two parties lobbed political bombs at each other during the windup of work on an otherwise popular higher education measure.

    After Republicans brought forward proposals intended to embarrass Democrats on terror detainees and union elections, Democrats countered with a resolution urging President Bush not to pardon I. Lewis Libby Jr., a former top White House aide. Republicans struck back with a resolution deploring the pardons issued by President Bill Clinton.

    The floor descended into chaos as members of the two parties glowered at one another across the aisle. Evidently recognizing they had gone too far, party leaders pulled back and agreed to try to finish the education bill as Democrats struck their Libby proposal from the record.

    Hard feelings have consequences. Without agreements between the leaders of the opposing parties, the Senate has been plunged into a procedural knife fight, with Democrats forced to scramble to find 60 votes not just on contentious issues like an Iraq withdrawal plan, but on once-routine matters like motions to proceed to a spending bill.

    The feuding has spilled into subjects that would seem to hold the potential for common ground, like antiterror legislation and lobbying reform, and will doubtless tie up other measures to come.

    Democrats contend that Republicans have embarked on a strategy of delay, using Senate rules to chew up scarce legislative time and deny Democrats any accomplishments. Republicans complain that Democrats are trying to jam through objectionable bills and are mainly interested in building a political case for 2008. The relationship between Mr. Reid and his Republican counterpart, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has cooled after it was initially thought the two Senate tacticians would be able to do business.

    Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who has been in the Senate for more than four decades, said he was not sure bipartisanship was at an all-time low, but acknowledged things were tense.

    �The fact the Senate is so evenly divided makes big causes out of smaller events,� Mr. Kennedy said.

    Besides the narrow 51-49 majority Democrats enjoy, lawmakers and others attribute what senators deplore as a lack of comity to various reasons, including the emotions surrounding the Iraq war debate, a Republican payback for Democratic stalling in recent years and pure political maneuvering in a hot-house environment.

    Mr. Reid on Thursday blamed Republican ideology, saying the Senate�s conservative contingent was unwilling to swallow legislation sought by most Americans.

    �Republicans in the Senate do not represent mainstream Republicans around the country,� he said.

    Members of both houses have been contending for years that the sort of personal interaction that can lead lawmakers to overcome partisan differences has been on the decline, leaving Congress polarized.

    But Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Specter and others say they find that committee leaders still tend to be able to work together. And a bipartisan group of senior lawmakers put together the Senate�s immigration proposal, though it went down in flames to the broader political divide in Congress.

    Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee who has been in the heat of the battle over the Iraq legislation, said he did not believe feelings were frayed beyond repair.

    �The Senate is a unique place where wills are tested, and this was a very important issue that people have very strong feelings on,� he said, referring to the Iraq debate. �Instead of fighting over it physically, there are battles that are fought on the floor of the Senate. But these are important disagreements and they should be aired.

    �Isn�t that what we are here for?�

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  • Blog Feeds
    08-06 08:20 PM
    Supporters of stricter border enforcement must have uncorked the champagne yesterday. The Senate, in bipartisan fashion, broke a deadlock over funding and passed S. 3721, a $600 million emergency appropriation that would bring 1,500 more federal enforcers and unmanned aerial drones to the U.S. border. Last week, the requisite number of House members voted "yea" to a similar bill with a $701 million price tag. Some form of enhanced border security legislation is likely to reach the President's desk soon. The Senate's border funding tussle involved a face-off between Republicans (who wanted to pay for the bill by diverting money...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/angelopaparelli/2010/08/my-entry.html)


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  • eastindia
    04-19 09:47 AM

    The seminar recordings are available here for download. Can any of our friendly lawyers give us? or upload for us?

    We want to know what USCIS officials spoke in the conference. Why is such useful information hidden from public and people have to pay $495. Why is all information paid? Such information can help all of us know what USCIS plans to help us.

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  • vxg
    10-29 04:14 PM
    I will make sure I check my mail at least every other day.

    I received my EAD and FP at my home.


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  • Pooja
    07-06 08:16 AM
    Did anyone's I-485 was approved after July 3rd?


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  • gman
    06-13 10:36 PM
    I have my Perm approved and my PD became current so i'm able to file I-485 but i have a couple of questions.

    My fiancee was in US on J1 with 2 year HRR that is not up until Jan 15, 2008. She has been back to the US twice since she left (Jan 15, 2006) on B1/B2 visa. We plan to get married. When should we do it for her to be able to come to the US under my I-485 when her 2year HRR is up.

    Please advise. I just sent an e-mail to my attorney but she's on vacation until Jun 19... I guess i'm too anxious to find out what my options are.

    Congratulations to anyone who is able to file.


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  • anilsal
    06-23 01:26 PM
    english_august is the leader. Please wait for sometime. You are on IL chapter list also.

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  • imhrb
    07-15 06:36 PM
    If it has been more than 90 days for the EAD renewal application and the EAD is about to expire, what can one do? I know they no longer give walk-in EADs. I have tried to contact them but no positive response. Any help would be appreciated.


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  • Blog Feeds
    07-02 04:30 PM
    On June 25, President Obama met with a bipartisan group of 30 key legislators beginning a dialogue that he hopes will lead to comprehensive immigration reform in 2009 or early in 2010. Among the topics discussed were border security, family reunification and reform of the outdated quota system. Following the meeting, the President stated, �but what I�m encouraged by is that after all the overheated rhetoric and the occasional demagoguery on all sides around this issue, we�ve got a responsible set of leaders sitting around the table who want to actively get something done and not put it off until...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/carlshusterman/2009/06/president-obama-and-immigration-reform.html)

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  • hyddsnr
    05-21 06:25 PM
    One of my close friends got RFE on I-485. He is working for the Company A, but his labour and I-140 applied in June 07 from company B as substitution. Currently his I-140 got approved. But he got query as mentioned below. Can some one send sample letter .

    You must submit a currently dated letter from your intended permanent employer, describing your present job duties and position in the organization, you proffered position (if different from your current date), the date you began employment and the offered salary or wage. This letter should be in the original and signed by an executive or officer of the organization who is authorized to make or confirm an offere of permanent
    employment. The letter must also indicate whether the terms and conditions of your employment-based visa petition continue to exist.


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  • gconmymind
    08-22 12:40 PM
    I filed I-131 for AP renewal around 10th August and received a Biometrics appointment notice for I-485 yesterday. Is there Fingerprinting required for AP? If yes, why is the Case Type on the notice I-485? Or is the FP notice for I-485 and it is just a coincidence that I have filed for AP renewal. My PD will be current next month...

    There is no LUD on I-485 case...

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  • Citizen of the World
    01-18 11:01 AM
    NVS International--www.nogalesvisaservices.com

    The U.S. Consulate in Nogales Mexico has been really efficient in issuing appointments as well as Visa Stampings. You are able to schedule them in one week from the date you apply; the process takes no more than two days. 98% of NVS's Clients in the last month have been in and out on the same day of the appointment with no issues. There have been a few cases where people had to stay one or two extra days for additional proccessing.

    If you need any help with anything from: Transportation (From the Airport to Nogales and within Mexico to the U.S. Consulate), Visa Application fee processing (Bank Draft) and Lodging please contact:

    NVS International and visit us at: www.nogalesvisaservices.com or e-mail: japujol@nogalesvisaservices.com.

    NVS International's staff is fully bilingual (English/Spanish) and all natives of Nogales. They really help make your visit as simple and worry free as possible. The staff makes sure you get to your appointment on time and assists you until you get in and make sure you have no problems until you are back in the USA.


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  • Blog Feeds
    08-12 10:30 PM
    Interesting study. The headlines this morning around the country are on the subset of children of illegally present parents which Pew is estimating is about 7% of all children born in the US. It's not a surprise to see the GOP getting increasingly crazy as they know that in the long run they'll go the way of the Whigs unless they either convince Hispanic voters to support them or disenfranchise enough of them that they can continue to win elections with only Anglo voters.

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2010/08/new-pew-study-shows-25-of-children-born-to-immigrants.html)

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  • Jorajapbak
    08-09 07:23 PM
    HI!! I'm Aj ( more like Ahmet Jorayev). I was a student at the Georgia Military College. Unfortunately, due to lack of my personal funds, i lost my position of a student at GMC. Since January of this year i was not attending school because of exclusion. College informed of returning in Spring 2010 however they denied it later on. Currently I'm in deep depression because of losing my Academic and Immigration Status!!
    IN order to reinstate I-20 visa i had to attend college. Sarcastic thing about this i had only 6month left to graduate.
    Any advises or stories you can share please, help out!!
    They have our future in their hands and instead of supporting,they disgrace us!!


    P.s. All payments for college comes straight from my pocket and no vehicle transportation either, just bicycle


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  • Blog Feeds
    07-31 06:40 AM
    ABC News is reporting this month on illegal immigration in its "Out of the Shadows" series of reports. They're meeting different undocumented individuals to find out what brought them to America and why they entered illegally or fell out of status. One extraordinary story told is that of the Cho family from Korea. The father was a green card holder but called the many years of separation from his wife and children "torture". He helped them cross the border illegally from Canada. The family eventually all became legal under the now expired 245(i) law. The young son Simon Cho grew...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2010/07/immigrant-of-the-day-simon-cho-olympic-speed-skater.html)

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  • krrishpatel
    07-31 04:11 AM

    Almost 22 week past, No response From Mumbai Consulate

    Interview Date - 13-Feb-2009
    Purpose - H1B Visa Stamping(VISA Approval in 2008 before had F1 Visa)

    Interview - VO Asked me few Questions and then asked me to show your company's Wages report and your consultacy and client where u worked agreement letter. I have given him both the docs. and Vo kept with him and gave me 221G Yellow letter which mentioned your docs. are in administrative processing and didn't mentioned any time frame.

    After my Employer and i frequently sent emails and faxes to mumbai consulate but no response yet.

    Anybody Knows what i have to do. Please advice me further .



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  • testerzback
    03-25 11:14 PM
    I know your time is very precious and not to waste.

    My issue is - I came to US as a programmar/analyst in Aug' 2005 with my B.Commerce (3years) and Master of Computer Applications (completed my 3years masters by 2003) in India. My H1 company in March'2008 applied for PERM/I 140 through EB3 (as a professional) recently they came back to me that my I140 got denied due to educational evaluation difference and need to reapply again through a new lawyer as EB3 - unskilled - system support engineer.

    Is this really require to go through the new lawyer to restart the GC process? - and this costs me to lose my priority date - almost 2 years

    If yes, how are the chances to get the perm/I140 if I reapply through the same H1 company ?

    Please find the denial docs and remember that I have to go for H1 extension by Aug'10 ( as I complete 5 years on my H1).

    Kindly suggest or email to testerzback@yahoo.com

    S :(

    09-09 08:20 PM
    how do we know which center it was sent to? NSC? TSC? thanks

    03-14 09:09 PM

    I am on L1A at present and my full 7 year term is expiring in DEC-2012. My company could not file EB1-Int'l Executive or manager due to ownership changes etc. But they are considering EB2 and I was told that it will be risky as I would be required to convert to H1B before that and I would lose one year of stay.

    Can someone advise whether my company can apply for extension of my L1A beyond the 7 years, if it files for EB2 and would be pending for approval, instead of going through the issue of converting to H1B?


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