Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • qualified_trash
    01-02 07:20 PM

    I know this has been discussed in the past on this and other message boards but I wanted to hear some more opinions about it. What is the value of green card to you?

    I know different ppl have different reasons like ability to switch jobs, ability to travel freely, ability to have a job for spouse etc. All said and done how many of you would like to go back to your home countries in the next 5-6 years? I know a lot of people have issues such as aging parents back home or they simply don't see themselves living in a foreign land forever. I guess my question is what percentage of ppl aspiring for a GC view it as a convenience vs percentage of ppl who actually see it as a path to settling down in US for good.


    you should maybe set it up as a poll. as for me, I am here for good unless asked to leave :-)

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  • Abhinaym
    12-10 03:37 PM
    Was that expected?

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  • pmpforgc
    03-07 09:22 AM
    Not a single person on this thread criticizing will ever go back however much painful the greencard wait is. This is a ugly truth.

    Life in USA is far better than India and will always be until India controls its population, curroption and poverty.

    Unless india address issues of Population Growth ( now it is hard to walk in many places in big cities), Morality of the Peoples (govt can not do any thing about this, we as a people always take shortcuts aslong as it does not affect us personally !!!) Broken Judicial system ( Recent statement of supreme court tells they have enough court case to deal per judge for next few decades !!) Purity of air, water,milk, Increasing corruption and detoriation in quality of education (because of priviatization we have engineering , pharmacy and other technical education colleges in every village, 95% of them dont have faculty, labs etc and only care for profit, you can graduate as long as you pay fee for admission and pay fee for their annual due) (that is why our 90% of engineers are UNEMLOYABLE) THERE ARE many other issues to list here but all we know

    If you go to our home country for short visit, you will probably like it , if you stay there more than three months and try to settle there again, you will start comparing all above to US and might feel that you made wrong choice of abondoning your GC process

    Also in money we make in some big cities in our home country we can not buy a decent home to live in as real estate prices are so INFLATED and there is no body which regulates real estate in India. Prices double evey day. I dont know how local middle class which hardly make 2-3 lac per year can afford such properties.

    After living long time in other country, it will be hard to adjust with people there. You will always face morality issue, duplicity in the people (what they talk and what they act, it is hard to trust) also artificial and selfish nature of so called social relations in home country (of which all we are proud of some how ) I find people and social relation here more frank and trust worthy (they are more open and close to reality) then our social structure where evry one try to take advantage of other some how under the so called social relations

    So think three time about all these issue of long term before you try to abondon your GC process. All these isssues you will be facing in our home country no matter how much money you make. On long term your choice might hurt you. If you are fed up with immigration issues here try to open up other avenues for you along with this country.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    07-06 09:33 AM
    Why does the line on top of this page say

    Goal amount for this month: 10000 USD, Received: 0 USD (0%)

    I guess, last month is about $2500, and previous month is less than $2K.

    Any plans in your mind how to get every member pay $1 every month?

    I gave my opinion on this in past. As we are dealing "very intelligent" community, need straight forward agenda to collect donation. Vague ideas don't work for collecting donation in our community. Pappu took a nice initiative and published 5 high level agenda items. Lets analyze how much money each agenda will need and we can move forward from there.


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  • Green.Tech
    05-27 10:59 PM
    $100 today

    Thanks akp22.

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  • black_logs
    01-06 02:31 PM
    I thought they were doing jun'2002. If things goes this way. We're day dreaming of Green Card


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  • chanduv23
    11-20 04:57 PM
    If you really think then there is a 'conflict of interest' between an applicant and an attorney. If you looks at this way, attorneys do get paid for filling of H1B extensions. isn't it? I do not say that attorneys are bad and do this on purpose, but think about all possibilities. It really depends on individual. Thoughts? :(

    Hmmmm - but all these top Attorneys are professional - I mean - why would they tell you just the opposite for getting money through h1b transfers - I don't believe it.

    I did seek paid professional councel from Attorneys and thats how I was convinced that h1b is safer.

    Like say - of a h1b extension/transfer is successful - then the h1b is typically delinked from what is happening to 485 or 140. As per my understanding a pending 140 or a pending labor is the basis for h1b extensions and they are not coupled whereas an EAD is coupled with 485 and the denial hits the EAD straight because of its direct association.

    Folks correct me if I am wrong

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  • drak70
    09-13 07:04 PM
    contact all major TV channels and newspapers.... (phone /email)

    Dear All

    The website contains email/ address of 6479 media address

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    also the format is like this if you want to send numerically

    the "&mediaid=1" seems to be the repeating unit except for the number
    my IE only takes 179 address at a time As i mentioned there are 6479 address so if maybe some smart techie knows to increase the address bar size



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  • chanduv23
    05-18 03:59 PM
    Hi ind_game, attorney and all readers,

    After reading ind_game last quote "God save AC21.....". I have following questions:

    1. Do you know any one (your friend, client) used AC21 and faced same problem? Es
    2. Is it true that AC-21 info don't get updated in the USCIS records?
    3. If yes (2 question), then x-employer I-140 revocation will ALWAYS result in THIS kind of problems (as ind-game is facing)?
    4. To attorneys only: Is AC-21 really helpful or misleading? Asking because if it don't update in USCIS records.

    Please reply.


    Almost everyone who use AC21 and had their ex employer informing USCIS about the job change has gone through this.

    There is no case of AC21 being denied. It is the law, no need to be scared if you did everything right.

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  • ps57002
    07-27 03:38 PM
    any recent approvals...please let us know..give us hope....


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  • nursekm
    10-24 12:00 AM



    REF :

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  • smuggymba
    08-23 09:14 AM
    Only EB2-NIW (National Interest Waiver) even currently requires 10 years of work experience in the relevant field at the time of filing this is the category that does not require labor and van be self filed. The exceptional ability refers to Non US Masters folks Bachelors + 5 Years, now looks like this is bachelors + 10 years. The memo is currently not implemented Smuggymba I believe you should push your case in premium processing, probably you are not impacted though as you have a US masters (MBA). But there is no guarantee that they will not review all cases at the time of 485 once again. This memo / revised guidelines are indeed extremely scary. Kartikiran I agree with your thoughts about the direction in which things are moving.

    oh it hurts....I just believed Kate and Bluekayal and became happy and now back to scary feeling.


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  • chanduv23
    05-18 04:33 PM
    Hi Chanduv23,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Can you let all of us know the follwoing:

    1. What are the steps involved in to do everything right?
    2. Is one of the step "ex employer informing USCIS about the job change has gone through this"?
    3. If not then what are the disadvantages or if can't trust employer ?

    Please let us know about all the steps involved to switch employer by invoking AC-21?


    Ok, basic steps

    (1) Make sure you have your petitions in the online portfolio.
    (2) Make sure you report address changes promptly and they have latest address on file
    (3) Try to get a copy of labor or atleast know what skills have been mentioned - remember it has to be similar and does not exactly be the same
    (4) Make sure, you work for atleast 180 days with your sponsering employer after filing 485
    (5) It is always good to get a 140 approved before you move. Pending 140s though allowed in AC21, maybe kinda risky because if your sponsering employer is having ability to pay issues, or your current employment is not paying proper salary - then you may be subject to ability to pay issues and 140 may never get approved
    (6) Always good to inform USCIS of job change via AC21 letter - you must keep a copy and also track fedex and keep proof of delivery
    (7) Keep a copy of 140 approval - though it may not be required, but good to keep.
    (8) Always expect that your ex employer may revoke your 140 any time - USCIS is now conducting audits and employers may want to kee their records clean, so expect the 140 revoke anytime.
    (9) If 485 gets denied, file for a Motion to reopen and immediately open a case problem with Ombudsman's office and keep the motion to reopen receipts
    (10) If MTR is getting elayed, contact senators or congressman's office and do a congressional enquiry. Their liason will be more helpful.
    (11) Customer service or infopass may never help unless it is address change or fingerprint or name check issues.

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  • EkAurAaya
    07-11 02:36 PM
    I do not think CIS has that much smartness in them. Different sections seem to go about the motions on their own schedule. They seem to be an uncoordinated bunch so far.

    How do you explain push for EAD approvals before June 30th? ppl got approvals in matter of days (in most cases less then 20 days)

    I think Obviously someones paying attention at USCIS when it comes to $


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  • Leo07
    05-03 02:28 PM

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  • seahawks
    09-12 12:55 AM
    awesome bump thread....


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  • Sakthisagar
    02-24 01:15 PM
    As Ron Gotcher ( predicted Jobs bill passed at Senate.

    Senate Votes 70-28 to Approve $15 Billion Jobs Bill

    Though modest in scope, the bill was hailed by Democrats as evidence that the parties could work together.

    Read Further.

    Senate Votes 70-28 to Approve $15 Billion Jobs Bill - (

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  • wantgc23
    04-24 02:50 PM
    Hi pappu/admin,

    I just signed up for $25 per month contributions, Can you please allow me Donor access when you get a chance.



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  • hitpauler
    06-11 12:24 PM
    How would I-140 approvals impact the availability of visa numbers and isnt spill over already happening,ie, removal of country caps, as we have seen last year,last quarter as well in July VB?

    02-12 11:48 AM
    Fellow Sufferers,;)

    For NON-RIR applicants, is the backlog center requiring the old advertisement process after the 45 day letter.

    We had received the 45 day letter six months ago and there has been no communication from them since that time. (Seperate application PD May-03)

    (Fellow travellers am I seeing an Oasis or is it a mirage.)


    06-20 11:00 AM
    I understand your concern. Hope for the best. Good luck friend!
    thanks for the good luck.....we all need a ton of it!

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