Thursday, June 16, 2011

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  • gc_chahiye
    07-20 03:32 PM
    You need to chill out dude. I do not see anything wrong. Whats wrong in analyzing and preparing yourself for future. I have plans to travel in 3 months.After looking at this thread I think it might take few more months. I think this is a valuable thread.

    agree. in addition once your EAD expires you need to stop working immediately (they have stopped issuing interim EADs) if an EAD renewal takes 8 months and you cannot apply upto 6 months before expiry, there is a possibility that you will work only 10 months every year!

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  • I_need_GC
    02-20 10:22 AM
    Today I got a LUD on my AP. Documents mailed. Finally after 2 weeks of waiting time. Nebraska center is slow really slow. But I am happy can now go on my business trip.

    Today I got my first soft LUD on my case. Last week I got a letter from USCIS that they had approved to expedite my case. I would rather have seen the AP but the waiting game continues. :eek:

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  • jonty_11
    07-06 01:18 PM
    Forgot in a hurry, it is updated now
    no problem buddy, I just dont want u getting caught plagializing....just kidding!

    Hope for thebest..I am hoping rumors abt accepting all July applications turn out true

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  • WeldonSprings
    05-02 03:27 PM
    That comment was made for Family Visas, since everyone who applies on Family Visa, might not eventually get it. I read here that King said that everyon on EAD and AP is getting a free ride even thought here green card might get rejected. What does he mean by that. I tahught every process goes thorugha security check. such as I 140, H1b, AP and even EAD.


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  • Raju
    07-06 02:00 PM
    No This is a height of Cruelity from USCIS. They must have interpreted lot of phone calls and inquiries as "people might not have understood the revision" as they are not from "English Speaking" countries so change it and put "Flip" and "Flop" together as somebody mentioned ahead. But if people might not have understood "Flip" and "Flop" then how can they understand "Flip-Flop"?:)

    They posted the revised bulletin in a hurry. They should have done this on July 2nd. The actual july bulletin consists FB dates and other dates.

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  • gk_2000
    08-23 01:09 PM
    Not everyone has the luxury to go to home country to work for one year. Its like telling the Eb3 person to port to EB2. Do you accept that. There are so many issues need to be factored in. So lets not get into something which is not fair or not possible for every one. They system is f*&ked up. thats the fact. When the system is not fair, we fight to fix and not finding the loopholes.

    There is a difference, my friend. Porting to EB2 means you have to spend LOTS of $$$ and time and effort to get masters degree.
    No matter how you look at it, it is not wise to hack away at any door that's open to all. We should look at expanding our vistas, not shrink it. What if I tell you I am thinking of starting up a co in India, so some day I can make it here using the EB1 route? Why do you want to prevent me from availing this opportunity and making my sacrifices -- just because you feel it will help YOU move forward by ONE INCH?


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  • pointlesswait
    03-09 11:44 AM
    dude....what does USCIS look like to you : Drive thru Taco Bell?..

    For Eb2 india and china dates will be like this in April 2009 bulletin.

    Eb2 India : Feb 2005
    China : Feb 2006

    May 2009 bulletin

    Eb2 India : May 2005
    China : May 2006

    June 2009 bulletin

    Eb2 India : Sep 2005
    China : Sep 2006

    July 2009 bulletin

    Eb2 India : Feb 2006
    China : Feb 2007

    August 2009 bulletin

    Eb2 India : May 2007
    China : May 2008

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  • regacct
    05-03 08:09 AM
    Got to step it up with Sen Brown and Sen LeMieux, along with Sen Cornyn!


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  • kartikiran
    12-10 04:59 PM
    Ugh, I want to cry right about now. :o

    I am with you Almond. After waiting for 12 long years in USA and 8 long years for a GC, the tunnel is still dark.

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  • mbawa2574
    07-06 01:33 AM
    IV will become ready for elections when we have real candidates with real faces. I request all real candidates to publish their photos and accomplishments, their ideas for the organization; so that we can choose the best person for the job.

    Any volunteers? Why don't I see a single volunteer! Seriously, can we have an election without candidates?!

    Pictures and videos will come out if we as an organization are ready/serious to hold elections. Otherwise this is not going anywhere. Everytime someone questions the stratergy and leadership, blaming back members for inaction is the standard excuse. Let's stop whining and do something. We are being funded and we have a great member base. Leadership and stratergy is the only deficiency.


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  • H1bslave
    01-07 09:18 AM
    I thought you are Bulgarian :confused:
    Ok, so I saw the video. I am confused by his analogy and I am a scientist. Maybe it is the lack of data analysis and graphics he keeps referring to. He is not a great speaker. I stopped watching it midway.

    BTW, I am a student from a so called 'garbage' Indian education system and a graduate of Duke University.:p

    Go figure!

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  • msp1976
    02-26 04:21 PM
    I am still waiting ...July 2004...


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  • tnite
    07-11 07:18 AM
    I couldn't believe this. Wonderful news. Thanks

    But the downside to this is that most EB2 July filers have (or will be) been renewing their EAD's in August/Sepetember and this bulleting will not let USCIS give out 2 yr EAD's and instead hand out 1 yr ones.

    Just because your PD is current dosnt mean that USCIS will process your apps right away. There are folks whose PD was current under July bulletin and their apps haven't been touched based on some anecdotal evidence here..
    But the Eb3 news is not good.
    just my 2 cents

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  • aadimanav
    12-10 03:37 PM
    Visa Bulletin for January 2010 (


    At this time it is unlikely that there will be any cut-off dates in the Employment First preferences. It also appears unlikely that it will be necessary to establish a cut-off date other than those already in effect for the Second preference category. Cut-off dates apply to the China and India Second preference categories due to heavy demand, and each has the potential to become "unavailable" should demand cause the annual limit for that category to be reached.

    INA Section 202(a)(5) provides that if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual per-country limits. For example, if it is determined that based on the level of demand being received at that time there would be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment Second preference category, then numbers could be provided to oversubscribed countries without regard to per-country limitations. Should that occur, the same cut-off date would be applied to each country, since numbers must be provided strictly in priority date order regardless of chargeability. In this instance, greater number use by one country would indicate a higher rate of demand by applicants from that country with earlier priority dates.

    Should Section 202(a)(5) be applied, the rate of number use in the Employment preference category would continue to be monitored to determine whether subsequent adjustments are needed in visa availability for oversubscribed countries. This action provides the best possible assurance that all available Employment preference numbers will be used, while still ensuring that numbers remain available for applicants from all other countries that have not yet reached their per-country limit.


    Based on current indications of demand, the best case scenarios for cut-off dates which will be reached by the end of FY-2010 are as follows:

    Employment Second:
    China: July through October 2005
    India: February through early March 2005

    If Section 202(a)(5)were to apply:
    China and India: October through December 2005

    Employment Third:

    Worldwide: April through August 2005
    China: June through September 2003
    India: January through February 2002
    Mexico: January through June 2004
    Philippines: April through August 2005

    Please be advised that the above date ranges are only estimates which are subject to fluctuations in demand during the coming months. The actual future cut-off dates cannot be guaranteed, and it is possible that some annual limits could be reached prior to the end of the fiscal year.


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  • Green.Tech
    06-11 10:46 AM
    Let's see who the first HERO will be to break the pattern of 2 days of zero contributions...

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  • mirage
    03-31 12:42 PM
    Wow, so you're telling me be happy as somebody else is in pain now ???
    Their problems doesn't make me smile here. I want solutions to my problems.
    We're much better off here in the US when you compare our compatriots suffering in Britain. Britain has enforced a lot more regulations on immigrants, much to their chagrin.

    Let's grin and bear it and hope to see the 'green' light at the end of the tunnel.


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  • EB3_SEP04
    05-18 03:16 PM
    I agree with you. One of my friends got RFE regarding Birth Ceritificates and medical certificates. I would not be surprised if they ask me the same.
    So, how did you submit the Birth certificate then? Can you please share the experience?

    My brother managed to get one for me. the issue was that my BC had wrong date and first name (my uncle had reported my birth with that name which was never used again). My brother talked to the officials, gave affidavits, chai-paani etc and they agreed to correct date and put both first names with a slash(/) in between. phew ...what an experience dealing with the Indian beauraucrats.

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  • langagadu
    09-15 09:07 PM
    If you have guts talk on the open forum, why do you give REDs from the back?

    Abe Kutte, you did not fill out your profile properly, Moran.
    Application mailed date is 03/03/2005 and USCIS Rcvd Date is 04/03/2001.

    Looks like you learned in your Ph.d to go backwards in life, Moran.Keep going back and reach 1990, you will get your GC soon. Saat me leke ja tumara sunnysurya ko bi (don't forget to buy bangles for both of you):D:D

    By the way I am EB3 and I don't have intentions to port, still I support whoever eligible.

    Here is the form you can fill out to express support:

    View the read only document here:

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  • vikki76
    07-06 01:54 AM
    Thanks!. There were some skeptics on IV Forums who didn't believe that USCIS worked over weekend to approve 25,000 visas. :mad: Some people genuinely believed that USCIS made a clerical error in calculating visa number or some other nonsense excuse. Those who don't believe that this indeed is a scandal,should read Logiclife's excellent analysis on June 29th where he explains -how retrogression is NOT possible.
    When we believe how it was not possible, and suddenly it did happen-of course things get clear.

    07-11 11:13 AM
    Pause and take a moment to rejoice. Then turn all eyes to processing dates.

    TSC July 17 2007
    NSC July 28 2007

    That would mean July 2 filers EB2 are waiting only for visa number (assuming USCIS is processing cases strictly on RD basis) - wooooooooooooow.

    03-12 10:38 AM
    Hi Guys,

    I noticed recently a lot of people have the status of "Donor" instead of "Senior Member", "Member", Junior Member etc.

    How does one become a "Donor". I have donated to IV SEVERAL times in the past.

    IV has started a donor Forum for contributing members.

    Our monthly subscription based model will help members get access to this area for that time period. In the coming days we will be consolidating all previous subscribers who are continuing their subscription at present to be added as well. If you are an old continuing subscriber, and do not have access, do send an email to info at with your name, email, amount subscribed every month and your IV ID. We will verify it and add you. If you have given a one time payment this month more than $25, we will be dividing it by $25 and the system will calculate the number of months you are subscribed. If you have the old $20/month subscription, please continue that. We will add you in the Monthly subscribers as well.

    If you wish to subscribe, please click on the donate now link, adjacent to the green progress bar above and subscribe.

    From now we will post IV updates on the donor forum so that members who contribute get the privilege of getting the information. If the information can be released for public, we will release it on the main forums after a delay. Donor forum will have the first access to the information. All donors will be identified by a 'donor' status in their profiles instead of junior/senior members.

    If members want to start a thread in the donor forum, please add 'Donor Forum' before the the thread title so that everyone knows it is in the restricted area.

    Admins will visit this area more often and answer questions from members. This will also enable more close coordination and communication between committed members. It is sometimes difficult for us to to read every post on the forum or post certain information for public consumption.

    Thank you for your continued support

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